Peer Reviewed Articles [2024]

De la Garza, T., Wood, J. L., & Harris III, F. (2015)

An exploratory assessment of the validity of the Community College Survey of Men (CCSM): Implications for serving veteran men. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 39(3), 293-298.

De la Garza, T. R., Manuel, M. A., Wood, J. L., & Harris III, F. (2016)

Military and veteran student achievement in postsecondary education: A structural equation model using the Community College Survey of Men (CCSM). Community College Enterprise, 22(1), 43-54.

Harris III, F., & Harper, S. R. (2008)

Masculinities go to community college: Understanding male identity socialization and gender role conflict. In J.Lester (Ed.), Gendered perspective on community colleges. New Directions for Community Colleges (No. 142, pp. 25-35). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Harris III, F., & Wood, J. L. (2013)

Student success for men of color in community colleges: A review of published literature and research, 1998–2012. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 6(3), 174-185.

Harris III, F., & Wood, J. L. (2014)

Community college student success inventory (CCSSI) for men of color in community colleges: Content validation summary. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 38(12), 1185-1192.

Harris III, F., Wood, J. L., & Newman, C. (2015)

An exploratory investigation of the effect of racial and masculine identity on focus: An examination of White, Black, Mexicano, Latino, and Asian men in community colleges. Culture, Society, & Masculinities, 7(1), 61-72.

Keflezighi, F., Sebahar, L., & Wood, J. L. (2016)

An analysis of programs serving men of color in the community college: An examination of funding streams, interventions, and objectives. Research and Practice in Assessment, 11, 55-60.

Palacios, A. M., & Wood, J. L. (2016)

Is online learning the silver bullet for men of color? An institutional-level analysis of the California community college system. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 40(8), 643-655.

Sallee, M. W., & Harris III, F. (2001)

Gender performance in qualitative studies of masculinities. Qualitative Research, 11(4), 409-429.

Vasquez Urias, M. (2012)

The impact of institutional characteristics on Latino male graduation rates in community colleges. Annuals of the Next Generation, 3(1), 1-12.

Vasquez Urias, M., & Wood, J. L. (2014)

Black male graduation rates in community colleges: Do institutional characteristics make a difference? Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 38(2), 1112-1124.

Vasquez Urias, M., & Wood, J. L. (2015)

The effect of non-cognitive outcomes on perceptions of school as a feminine domain among Latino men in community college. Culture, Society, & Masculinities, 7(1), 22-32

Wood, J. L. (2012)

Black males in the community college: Using two national datasets to examine academic and social integration. Journal of Black Masculinity, 2(2), 56-88.

Wood, J. L. (2012)

Leaving the two-year college: Predictors of black male collegian departure. The Journal of Black Studies, 43(3), 303-326.

Wood, J. L. (2013)

The same…but different: Examining background characteristics among Black males in public two year colleges. Journal of Negro Education, 82(1), 47-61.

Wood, J. L. (2014)

Apprehension to engagement in the classroom: Perceptions of Black males in the community college. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 27(6), 785-803.

Wood, J. L., & Essien-Wood, I. R. (2012)

Capital identity projection: Understanding the psychosocial effects of capitalism on Black male community college students. Journal of Economic Psychology, 33(3), 984-995.

Wood, J. L., & Harris III, F. (2013)

The community college survey of men: An initial validation of the instrument’s non-cognitive outcomes construct. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 37(4), 333-338.

Wood, J. L., & Harris III, F. (2015)

The effect of college selection factors on persistence: An examination of Black and Latino males in the community college. Journal of College Student Retention, 16(4), 511-535.

Wood, J. L., & Harrison, J. D. (2014)

College choice for Black males in the community college: Factors influencing institutional selection. Negro Educational Review, 65(1-4), 87-97.

Wood, J. L., Harrison, J. D., & Jones, T. K. (2016)

Black males’ perceptions of the work-college balance: The impact of employment on academic success in the community college. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 24(3), 326-343.

Wood, J. L. & Hilton, A. A. (2012)

Spirituality and academic success: Perceptions of African American males in the community college. Religion & Education, 39(1), 28-47.

Wood, J. L., Hilton, A. A., & Hicks, T. (2014)

Motivational factors for academic success: Perspectives of African American males in the community College. National Journal of Urban Education and Practice, 7(3), 247-265.

Wood, J. L., & Ireland, M. (2014)

Supporting Black male community college success: Determinants of faculty-student engagement. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 38(2-3), 154-165.

Wood, J. L., & Newman, C. B. (2015)

Predictors of faculty-student engagement for Black men in urban community colleges: An investigation of the Community College Survey of Men. Urban Education, 1-23. doi:10.1177/0042085915623343.

Heineman, J. A. (2014)

Do community colleges’ military-friendly designations make a difference? A propensity score adjustment analysis. Journal of Progressive Policy & Practice, 2(2), 147-156.

Horton J., D. (2015)

Between a ball and a harsh place: A study of Black male community college student-athletes and academic progress. Community College Review, 43(3), 287-305.

Wood, J. L., & Palmer, R. T. (2013)

The likelihood of transfer for Black males in community colleges: Examining the effects of engagement using multilevel, multinomial modeling. Journal of Negro Education, 82(3), 272-287.

Wood, J. L., & Palmer, R. T. (2016)

Determinants of intent to transfer among Black male community college students: A multinomial, multilevel investigation of student engagement. Teachers College Record, 118, 1-2

Wood, J. L., Reid Jr., D. O., Harrris III, F., & Xiong, S. (2016)

Male Program Assessment for College Excellence (M-PACE): Content validation summary. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 40(9), 802-805.

Wood, J. L. & Williams, R. (2013)

Persistence factors for Black males in the community college: An examination of background, academic, social, and environmental variables. Spectrum: A Journal on Black Men, 1(2), 1-28.

Xiong, S., Delgado., N., Wood, J. L., & Harris III, F. (2016)

Content validation: Community College Instructional Development Inventory (CCIDI). San Diego, CA: Community College Equity Assessment Lab (CCEAL).

Xiong, S., Delgado., N., Wood, J. L., & Harris III, F. (2017)

Construct validation: Community College Instructional Development Inventory (CCIDI). San Diego, CA: Community College Equity Assessment Lab (CCEAL).

Camacho, L., Salinas Jr., C., Vasquez, M. C., Rodriguez, S. L., & Peña, J. I. (2021)

A values-based leadership approach to (re)defining Latino manhood and masculinity. International Journal of Leadership in Education.

Vasquez, M. C., Gonzalez, A., Cataño, Y., & Garcia, F. (2021)

Exploring the role of women as validating agents in Latino male transfer success. Community College Journal for Research & Practice.

Rodriguez, S. L., Blaney, J., Vasquez, M. C., & Salinas Jr., C. (2021)

Latino men and masculinities: A multi-institution study of community college transfer experiences. Community College Review.

Vasquez, M. C., Salinas, C., Rodriguez, S. L., & Gonzalez, A. (2020)

Landing spaces and capital: Transfer resiliency and knowledge building among Latino men. New Directions for Community Colleges, no. 190, 87-101.